Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Blog Confusion :o(

Hi all,

Just a quick update in case you were wondering whats going on with my blog. 

While looking through my old posts I discovered that I had lost a LOT of my photographs. 

I think it coincides with me using the blogpress app to write my posts.  I don't use this anymore and couldn't recover my files as the app support site was a nonsense!!

Anyway I have found SOME of my photographs so have put back what I could and edited/removed the parts I could not.

I'm really sorry to anyone who comes looking for a project as I know I get a lot of pinterest traffic.  I will try my best to redo them and re-post them.


1 comment:

  1. im sorry, I didn't hear a word you said...I was too busy looking at Dean Winchester..he's so cute :)

